Hebrews 7:11-28
Richard Phillips states, “One of the main purposes of the Book of Hebrews is to bring the old covenant in Moses and the new covenant in Christ into proper relationship.” As we have already learned, the original readers were in danger of slipping back into their former religion of Judaism, either to avoid persecution or because of a misunderstanding of Christianity in general. All through this letter the writer emphasizes the superiority of Christ and the new covenant he introduced.
A covenant establishes the terms for a relationship; biblical covenants are established and administered by God to bring mankind into a special relationship with him. When Christ came, he brought a new covenant—a new administration by which we relate to God. Speaking of this, the apostle Paul emphasized, “The old has passed away; behold, the new has come” (2 Cor. 5:17). Again, to quote Phillips, “To fall from Christ back into Judaism, therefore, was not merely to regress into former ways, but to fall back into an administration that was no longer valid, having been fulfilled and replaced by the coming of Christ.”
In discussing Christ’s superior priesthood, the author to the Hebrews shows us that this new covenant involves the replacement of the old covenant priesthood—the priesthood of Aaron and the tribe of Levi—with the new priesthood of Christ, after the order of Melchizedek. By comparing these two we not only see how this change of priesthood brought about a new administration of salvation, but we also come into a deeper understanding of what Christ has done and now is doing, and what it means to be a Christian living under the new covenant.
Join us this Sunday as we continue our study of the book of Hebrews and learn how our great High Priest is able to save us to the uttermost.
In Christ,